Welcome to the Adobe Illustrator 10.0 Software Development Kit This SDK consists of documentation, interface headers, and sample code to support version 10.0 of Adobe Illustrator. What's New ? ----------------- Illustrator 10 Macintosh Alignment switch Summary: For Illustrator 10 we have realigned all of our API structures to use PowerPC alignment wherever possible. In the past for legacy code reasons we used 68K alignment, however the penalty in speed for using 68K alignment has become extremely noticeable, especially on OS X. For the majority of cases all you should need to do to be compatible with Illustrator 10 is to recompile your plug in using the Illustrator 10 SDK. Details: Illustrator was originally a 68K application. When Apple moved over to PowerPC, we maintained our headers using 68K alignment for backwards compatibility reasons. This caused us a small performance loss on OS 9, which was difficult to measure using the tools available to us. With the coming of OS X, this performance loss is much greater, a magnitude or more, and we know have tools to measure exactly where it is causing us problems. We have made the change and have seen an enormous performance gain on several of our plug in modules. The downside to this change is that it broke backwards compatibility. 68K is two byte aligned whereas PowerPC is four byte aligned. Therefore, by changing our alignment, many of our structures will no longer by the same size in Illustrator 10 as they were in previous versions. To avoid any problems we have renumbered all of our suites, thus an old plug in will not even load on Illustrator 10. Should you decide not to recompile your plug in it will not function with Illustrator 10, however chances are that you will want to rebuild your plug in anyways, and link it with CarbonLib, so that you can run on OS X. These changes affect Macintosh plug in modules only. Windows plug in modules built with the Illustrator 9 SDK or earlier will still load in Illustrator 10.0. Many new functionality suites were introduced in Adobe Illustrator version 10.0 software including: AIArm.h AIAssetMgmt.h AIEnvelope.h AIGraph.h AIHTMLConversion.h AIImageOptimization.h AIMacEventLoop.h AIMenuHelpers.cpp AIMeshSplinePatch.h AIOverrideColorConversion.h AIPGF.h AIPhotoshopPrefs.h AISFWUtilities.h AISlicing.h AISVGFilter.h AISymbol.h AIToolSelector.h AIUID.h AIXMLElement.h AIXMLNameUtil.h ASNewMemory.cpp IAIPaint.h MetrowerksCW6DeleteArrayFix.cpp SliceTypes.h SPPlatformFileSpecMacUtils.cpp SPPlatformFileSpecMacUtils.h SPPlatformFileSpecUtils.cpp SPPlatformFileSpecUtils.cpp StASWindowPort.h ZStringHostInit.h New headers for working with the actions suite. AIDocumentAction.h AIEnvelopeAction.h AIObjectAction.h AIPDFAction.h AISliceAction.h AISVGAction.h AITextAction.h There are many new suites introduced in AI10 and sample code projects which demonstrate them. Sample Code ----------- There are 13 cross-platform Illustrator 10.0-specific sample projects: ADM Non-Modal Dialog DropShadow Project MarkedObjectsProject MenuPlayProject MultiArrowToolProject PlayActionsProject ShellProject TextFileFormatProject TransformButtonsProject Tutorial TutorialCallMe TwirlProject WebterProject They all demonstrate different aspects of the Illustrator 10.0 plug-in API. Most of the samples were built using a plug-in framework called ShellProject; you can use this project as a starting point for any Illustrator 10.0 plug-in. For more information about the sample projects, see the file "AboutSampleCode.txt." Documentation Requires Acrobat ------------------------------ All documentation is in PDF format, so you will need the Adobe Acrobat¨ Reader 3.0 to view or print it. The page layout is designed to both view well on 17 inch monitors reduced to 85%, and print nicely when used with "Shrink to fit". To download a free copy of Acrobat Reader visit our website at: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html Compilers --------- On the Macintosh¨, all projects were tested with CodeWarrior Pro 7 Release Edition. On Windows, all projects were tested with version 6.0 of Microsoft Visual C++¨ Developers Studio, service pack 5. Support ------- Support for the Adobe Illustrator 10.0 SDK is provided to members of the Adobe Solutions Network (ASN) program. Developer Support is available as part of the Adobe Solutions Network - Premium Level membership. You may also purchase individual Developer Support Cases. Developer Support is available as part of the Adobe Solutions Network. You may purchase Developer Support Cases individually or in 5 and 10 packs. How to contact the Adobe Solutions Network In the U.S. and Canada, and outside Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Japan, contact: Adobe Solutions Network Adobe Systems Incorporated P.O. Box 609 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 For program information: Tel: +1-800-685-3510(US/Canada only) or +1-206-675-6145 Fax: +1-206-675-6872 For membership questions: E-mail: asndeveloper@adobe.com Web: http://partners.adobe.com In Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, contact: Adobe Solutions Network Edinburgh EH11 4GJ Scotland, United Kingdom For program information: Tel: +44 131 458 6800 Fax: +44 131 458 6801 For membership questions: E-mail: euroasn@adobe.com Web: http://partners.adobe.com In Japan, contact: Adobe Solutions Network Adobe Systems Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 43, Bunkyo Green Court Post Office 2-28-8 Hon-Komagome, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0021 Japan For program information: Tel: +81-3-5740-2620 Fax: +81-3-5740-2621 For membership questions: E-mail: asnjp@adobe.co.jp Web: http://partners.adobe.com/asn/japan/developer/benefits.htm -------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Ruark Adobe Illustrator Developer Support Engineer truark@adobe.com _______________________________________________________________________ Adobe, Acrobat, Photoshop, Adobe PhotoDeluxe, After Effects, Adobe Premiere and Illustrator are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Microsoft and Visual C++ are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © 1987-2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. 10/5/2001