In this folder you will find two folders: one contains more than 200 Adobe PostScript® Type 1 fonts, and the other contains Adobe Type Manager® Light software.
Fonts Folder
The collection of fonts included with Adobe Illustrator represents a broad range of display and text typefaces in multiple weights and styles. For complete instructions on installing these fonts, please see the section below, Font Installation Instructions.
If you use many different fonts for different projects, you may be interested in Adobe Type Manager Deluxe software, a personal font manager that allows you to group your fonts into sets and activate only those fonts or sets that are required for a specific project. ATM Deluxe supports all the major font formats and allows you to print samples of your available fonts. It can also help organize duplicate fonts or identify possible corrupt fonts. For more information about ATM Deluxe, visit the Adobe web site at
Adobe Type Manager® Light Folder
Adobe Type Manager Light software is a system software component that delivers high-quality type on-screen and in print, at any size. You do not need to install ATM Light to use your fonts with Adobe Illustrator, but you should install it if you plan to use PostScript Type 1 fonts with any other applications. For installation instructions, please refer to the Read Me file in the Adobe Type Manager Light folder.
For more information about all of Adobes type products, please visit
In order to use PostScript Type 1 or OpenType .otf fonts in Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows NT 4, you must first install ATM Light, and then install the fonts through ATM. Note: Windows 2000 and Windows XP do not require ATM see the separate section on Windows 2000 and Windows XP below.
The fonts are now installed and will appear in the font menus of your applications.
Windows 2000 and Windows XP have native support for PostScript Type 1 and OpenType fonts, as well as TrueType fonts. You can use the operating systems Fonts control panel to install or remove fonts of all these formats. However, if you wish to use PostScript Type 1 multiple master fonts, you need to install ATM Light, and follow the instructions above for installing fonts with ATM.
You can install PostScript Type 1 or OpenType .otf fonts on Mac OS 8.6 to 9.1 or OS X Classic by simply dragging and dropping the font files into the appropriate system location. If you are using PostScript fonts with a variety of applications, you should also install ATM Light.
If you are running Mac OS X, decide if you want to install fonts into both the Classic environment and the OS X native environment, or only for carbon/native applications. If you want your fonts to be accessible to both Classic and carbon/native applications, install into the Classic environment. If the fonts only need to be accessible to carbon/native applications, install into the OS X native environment instead.
Note: Do not move an entire folder, containing fonts, into the System Folder:Fonts folder. The Mac OS can only read font files that are loose in the System Folder:Fonts folder; it cant read files inside another folder.
Mac OS X native has built-in support for PostScript Type 1 and OpenType fonts; you can install them just like other font types on OS X. Also, you do not need to install ATM Light to use fonts in the OS X native environment, only for the Classic environment. However, fonts installed in OS X system locations are not available to classic applications. Fonts under the OS X native environment can be accessed by (a) any user or (b) just by an individual user.
(a) <Volume>/Library/Fonts/
Note: you must be logged on as an Administrator to place fonts in this location. Fonts in this location can be used by any user.
(b) <Volume>/Users/<username>/Library/Fonts/
Note: fonts in this location can be used only by the specified user.
To install your fonts using a font management utility (e.g., ATM Deluxe, Extensis Suitcase, DiamondSoft Font Reserve, or MasterJuggler), refer to that utility's documentation for instructions on adding and activating the fonts. You may want to reorganize the font files before you add them in a utility, so theyre not spread out in so many folders. For suggestions on how to organize your font files, see document 241317 in the technical documents section of the Adobe Web site.
©2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Adobe, Adobe Type Manager, ATM, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. OpenType and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.