Option Explicit Rem This example aligns all text art items on the active layer of the Rem active document vertically with the x position of the topmost Rem art item in the layer. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim appRef As New Illustrator.Application Dim docRef As Illustrator.Document Dim textArt As Illustrator.TextArtItem Dim topItemPosX As Single Dim crntItemPos As Variant If (appRef.Documents.Count = 0) Then Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add() Else Set docRef = appRef.ActiveDocument End If If (docRef.TextArtItems.Count = 0) Then Set textArt = docRef.TextArtItems.Add() textArt.Position = Array(200, 450) textArt.Contents = "Scripting" textArt.TextRange().Size = 32 Set textArt = docRef.TextArtItems.Add() textArt.Position = Array(100, 650) textArt.Contents = "Illustrator" textArt.TextRange().Size = 32 End If topItemPosX = docRef.ActiveLayer.TextArtItems(1).Position(0) For Each textArt In docRef.TextArtItems crntItemPos = textArt.Position textArt.Position = Array(topItemPosX, crntItemPos(1)) Next End Sub