TAGS: Literature, Classics, Fiction, Autobiography, Memoirs, Communism, Marxism, USSR, Judaism, Science, Creativity, Mysticism, Paranormal, Telepathy, Hungarian literature, English literature Arthur Koestler - Novels, Memoirs and Non-fiction (27 books) ARTHUR KOESTLER (1905-1983) was a Hungarian-born British novelist, journalist, and critic, who gained international fame for his anti-Soviet novel DARKNESS AT NOON (1940). In the 1940s and early 1950s he was perhaps the most widely read political novelist of the time. Koestler alternated all his life between the man of action and the man of letters. As a foreign correspondent he travelled widely, visiting the Middle East, Paris and Moscow. In 1937, while representing the "News Chronicle" in Spain, he was imprisoned by the fascists, an experience he recounted in SPANISH TESTAMENT (1937). This experience and those leading to his break with the Communist Party are reflected in DARKNESS AT NOON (1940), the penetrating story of an old-guard Bolshevik who, during Stalin’s purge trials of the 1930s, first denies, then confesses to, crimes that he has not committed. Specifically dealing with the plight of an aging revolutionary who can no longer condone the excesses of the government he helped put in power, the novel is an examination of the moral danger inherent in a system that sacrifices means to an end. Koestler’s other works of this period, during which he wrote most of his fiction, include THE GLADIATORS (1939), a novel about the revolt against Rome led by the gladiator Spartacus; and ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE (1943). These books deal with similar questions of morality and political responsibility. Koestler’s essays are collected in THE YOGI AND THE COMMISSAR (1945) and THE GOD THAT FAILED (1949, ed. Crossman), in which he wrote of his disillusionment with communism. His last political novel, THE AGE OF LONGING (1951), examined the dilemma of Europe after World War II. He took stock of his early life in the memoirs ARROW IN THE BLUE (1952) and THE INVISIBLE WRITING (1954). His later works were concerned with science, creativity, and mysticism. THE ACT OF CREATION (1964), perhaps the best-known book of his scientific and philosophical period, attempts to explain the processes underlying creativity in science and art. Other works of this period include THE LOTUS AND THE ROBOT (1960), an examination of Eastern mysticism; THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE (1967), which discusses the effect of evolution on the structure of the human brain; and THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE (1976), a controversial study of the origins of the Jewish people. In 1968 Koestler was awarded the Sonning Prize "for [his] outstanding contribution to European culture". When he died in 1983, The Times called him "a consistently lucid and humane writer... His reputation as one of the most versatile and protean writers of our century is thoroughly deserved." The following books are in PDF and/or ePUB format as indicated: == FICTION == * Age of Longing, The (Macmillan, 1951) -- PDF * Arrival and Departure (Vintage, 1999) -- ePUB * Call-Girls, The (Bloomsbury, 2012) -- ePUB * Darkness at Noon (Bantam/Scribner, 1968) -- PDF + ePUB * Gladiators, The (Vintage, 1999). Edith Simon, trans. -- ePUB * Thieves in the Night (Bloomsbury, 2012) -- ePUB == AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL == * Arrow in the Blue (Stein & Day, 1984) -- PDF * Dialogue with Death (Macmillan, 1942). Blewitt, trans. -- PDF * Invisible Writing, The (Stein & Day, 1984) -- PDF + ePUB * Spanish Testament (Gollancz, 1937) -- PDF * Scum of the Earth (Eland, 1991) -- ePUB == OTHER NON-FICTION == * Act of Creation, The (Hutchinson, 1964) -- PDF + ePUB * Case of the Midwife Toad, The (Random House, 1971) -- PDF * Challenge of Chance (Vintage, 1975) [with A. Hardy & R. Harvie] -- PDF * Ghost in the Machine, The (Arkana, 1989) -- PDF + ePUB * God That Failed, The (Harper & Row, 1963). Crossman, ed. -- PDF * Insight and Outlook (Macmillan, 1949) -- PDF * Janus: A Summing Up (Vintage, 1979) -- ePUB * Lotus and the Robot, The (Harper Colophon, 1966) -- PDF * Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917-1949 (Macmillan, 1949) -- PDF * Roots of Coincidence, The (Random House, 1972) -- PDF * Sleepwalkers, The (Macmillan, 1959 / Arkana, 1989) -- PDF + ePUB * Thirteenth Tribe, The (Popular Library, 1976) -- PDF * Three Domains of Creativity (Nijhoff, 1985) [ed. Dutton & Krausz] -- PDF * Trail of the Dinosaur / Reflections on Hanging (Bloomsbury, 2014) -- ePUB * Watershed, The: Biography of Johannes Kepler (Anchor, 1960) -- PDF * Yogi and the Commissar & Other Essays (Macmillan, 1945) -- PDF _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT ME: You can reach me with comments, suggestions, requests, error reports, etc., at TPB's forum, SuprBay (you will need to register an account): https://pirates-forum.org/User-workerbee PLEASE HELP TO SEED! If you like these books and want others to have access to them, please help to seed for as long as you can. The more you seed, the longer the torrent will live, and the easier it will be for me to upload new content. Thank you!