Index of /radirk_books_and_media/ebooks_calibre/Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - Audiobook - Unabridged mp3/

01 Part One_ The Cognitive Revolution.mp3          27-Dec-2022 14:16            36456957
02 The Tree of Knowledge.mp3                       27-Dec-2022 14:17            44067987
03 A Day in the Life of Adam and Eve.mp3           27-Dec-2022 14:16            49526964
04 The Flood.mp3                                   27-Dec-2022 14:17            27881252
05 Part Two_ The Agricultural Revolution.mp3       27-Dec-2022 14:15            41752558
06 Building Pyramids.mp3                           27-Dec-2022 14:17            47380756
07 Memory Overload.mp3                             27-Dec-2022 14:16            25613856
08 There is No Justice in History.mp3              27-Dec-2022 14:17            56361889
09 Part Three_ The Unification of Humankind.mp3    27-Dec-2022 14:16            21787072
10 The Scent of Money.mp3                          27-Dec-2022 14:15            33354436
11 Imperial Visions.mp3                            27-Dec-2022 14:17            41616261
12 The Law of Religion.mp3                         27-Dec-2022 14:16            61005373
13 The Secret of Success.mp3                       27-Dec-2022 14:17            18346779
14 Part Four_ The Scientific Revolution.mp3        27-Dec-2022 14:16            65093449
15 The Marriage of Science and Empire.mp3          27-Dec-2022 14:16            64931697
16 The Capitalist Creed.mp3                        27-Dec-2022 14:17            63992946
17 The Wheels of Industry.mp3                      27-Dec-2022 14:15            33873545
18 A Permanent Revolution.mp3                      27-Dec-2022 14:16            57171436
19 And They Lived Happily Ever After.mp3           27-Dec-2022 14:15            48518473
20 The End of Homo Sapiens.mp3                     27-Dec-2022 14:16            40208554
21 Afterword_ The Animal that Became a God.mp3     27-Dec-2022 13:58             2923736
Sapiens.jpg                                        27-Dec-2022 13:43               17923